If you’ve ever been grievously ill or incapacitated and cursed your fate and your body, this poem is for you.
If you’ve ever suffered from a chronic disease, this poem is for you.
If you’ve ever been near death, or been with a beloved who is, and bounced back, this poem is for you.
If you’ve ever waited in vigil and beheld a loved one’s last days and breaths, this poem is for you.
If you’ve ever wondered and remained mystified by questions of mind and body, mortality and immortality, earth and the heavens, this poem is for you.
And if you’ve ever looked slightly askance or never even heard of “spoken word poetry,” this poem is for you, too.
I’ve never gone deeply into spoken word poetry, which puts much more emphasis on the performative, in-the-moment oral transmission of poetic works in a public setting rather than poems written to be read mostly by individual persons in a quiet encounter with the printed page.
Not that spoken word doesn’t have a place in the poetic ...
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