how close was Pence to being hung? tagged posts

Can We Talk About Mike Pence for Just a Few More Minutes?

A thought experiment: You have two people seated in front of you of whom you must ask to provide you with information that may cast them in a slightly negative light, but whose truthful answer will very likely save your life. If they lie or distort the information they have in order to protect their reputation, you will probably die. They won’t, but they will have to live with the moral consequences of their decision for the rest of their lives.

These two people are Donald Trump and his former vice-president, Mike Pence. And they give you completely different information on the subject at hand.

So, the question: Which person would you be inclined to believe?

Followed by: How many seconds/minutes would it take you to arrive at that decision?

What are the factors that would drive your evaluation?

Why aren’t we paying more attention to this remarkable, utterly flabbergasting story, one so Shakespearean in its treachery that even the Bard himself might have steered clear for i...

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