James Wheeler tagged posts

Ninth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

Nine revolutions around the sun for “Traversing” this week, which lands us on the doorstep of our Ninth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery. Today, we will wander as we please, linger where we want, and emerge all the better in the spiritual and aesthetic nourishment that is so fundamental to our very survival as self-reflective creatures with an eye always scanning ahead toward more joyful horizons.

May these shots from stellar photographers around the world be worth more than any 1,000 words I could pull together as we inch ahead, ready or not—because time just does not care—toward 2022.

With the good news being: still here!


Poof! Good-bye, 2021…by Doug Wheller


She’s a lady—and an imposing one, at least from this angle…by dr.larsbergmann


Apparently not his first rodeo…by Klim Musalimov


Just another crazed cumulus…by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Into the mystic in Mya...

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