Washington DC Trump riot tagged posts

Ten Reasons Why Impeachment Was Necessary…And Conviction Even More So

I  know, I know—it’s a mess, any way we try to slice it. Just days to go, on his way out the door, it will let him play the martyr, further inflame his base, perhaps hamper the new president’s crucial first weeks, shouldn’t we focus on “healing” now?

Thought about those, bought a few of them for a time, tossed & turned about them in sleep that seems to have come in half-hour slices the past 10 days, and have come out, in a slight spin on a then newly elected congressmember’s indelicate, admittedly inappropriate but nevertheless delicious phrase from her victory celebration in early 2019, a full year before Impeachment #1, “We needed to impeach, and now we have to convict the m—–f—-r….” 

I’m also well aware that conviction is not bloody likely to happen in the Senate, but here are ten reasons why it should.

ONE  Because he was the direct, most significant cause of the riot that took five lives and many more injuries last week...

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