A Happy New Year Gift From Antonin Dvořák

It has become tradition
in this space to offer up a musical selection that fits the tenor of this day. Three years ago (or was it 300?) we highlighted  the 4th Movement to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony as a way of ushering in the New Year with, shall we say, a bang, not a whimper. (Apologies to T.S. Eliot on that line!)

So today, looking forward to a presidential inauguration, an end to this damn pandemic (let us pray in the manner we see fit…), and just, by golly, another year in which we are still breathing and able to reach out to our fellow human beings traveling along with us on this not-so-long and vexing, though still, let us not forget, often joyous road, I figured, “How about another scintillating 4th movement of an orchestral classic?!” 

And just like that, here appeared Mr. Dvořák, and the Berlin Philharmonic, and the marvelously named (and coiffed) Gustavo Dudamel, conducting his heart out on behalf of the good parts, the connected parts, the best parts, of our shared humanity. Profound appreciation to them all for filling the bill with such élan in this dramatic and beautiful piece.

And to you all, too, for engaging here in the ways that you do.

So here’s to at least something resembling a “New World,” not that the old one can ever be left wholly and immediately behind. But a slightly kinder world of greater comity (and just a smidgen of Maestro Dudamel’s magnificent energy) would be a very nice start. Now be gone with you, 2020!



Check out this blog’s public page on Facebook for 1-minute snippets of wisdom and other musings from the world’s great thinkers and artists, accompanied always by lovely photography.

Deep appreciation to the photographers! Unless otherwise stated, some rights reserved under Creative Commons licensing.

Elizabeth Haslam, whose photos (except for the books) grace the rotating banner at top of page.

Library books photo by Larry Rose, all rights reserved, contact: larry@rosefoto.com

Flower patch by Andrew Hidas  https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewhidas/


6 comments to A Happy New Year Gift From Antonin Dvořák

  • Robert Spencer  says:

    Both the title of this symphony and the music are perfect way to begin this new year. Thanks for this positivity, an essential today.

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      You’re most welcome, Robert. Been saving this Dvořák-Dudamel power piece for a while, waiting for the right time, and this seemed like it. Now we shall begin to see how much of a “New World” we can scratch & claw our way into creating. A formidable task, I’d say, but that makes me just fall back on one of my favorite ancient trusims: “It has been ever thus…”

  • Anne Webb  says:

    Dearest Andrew,
    Bless your beautiful heart! I have not felt such unreserved joy and celebration for far too long! That was music for the soul, and I cannot thank you enough! Much love and Happy New Year indeed! Annie & Greg

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      So lovely to hear from you, Annie, music omnivore that you are! And “music for the soul” is what omnivores are always looking for, whether from Motown, Nashville, or long dead Europeans who brought us this world-changing gift of symphonic music that can these hundreds of years later still shake the rafters of our heart. Here’s to more of all that—as well as boogeying our brains out on some dance floor or other—in the new year!

  • Kevin Feldman  says:

    Here here Robert and Andrew! The energy and focus of Maestro Dudamel (to say nothing of his wild locks!) is a sight to behold. Sent me to Spotify to hear the entire symphony – a hearty new years thanks for the inspired music. Looking forward to traversing along in 2021!

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      It was tempting and crossed my mind more than once just to run the whole symphony here, Kevin, I am tellin’ ya. Especially given those impossibly lush melodic lines of the earlier movements that get me all weepy feeling no matter how many times I hear them. Thanks for checking in here, glad you enjoyed the concert, hoping ardently for some live music venturing with you somewhere & sometime or other in 2021!

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