Category Poetry

“Homo Politicus,” With No Place to Hide: Wislawa Szymborska’s “Children of Our Age”

My original template for this blog did not include the “Politics/Culture” category you see off to the right of your screen, where the site’s archives stretch back to 2012. At the time, I fancied Traversing as a kind of haven from the hurly burly world of politics, a place where sometimes weighty, sometimes light-hearted issues of how to live in, reflect on and understand the world could be discussed under a multi-hued blanket of the arts, religion, psychology and philosophy.

Another six months on, I was nearing the end of a post on songs by the folkies John Stewart and John Gorka when it occurred to me that, like plentiful music across every genre, their songs were so intertwined with the politics of their day that labeling the category of that post merely as “Music” did not do it justice.

So was born the “Politics/Culture” category that, once Donald Trump barreled onto the American political scene a couple of years later, grew to be a far more regular feature on this sit...

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Walt Whitman, the Besotted: An Homage to “Song At Sunset”

Post-election, I seem to have been keeping Walt Whitman’s “Complete Poems” close at hand, an old thick paperback, quintessentially dog-eared, the binding now so flaccid that it lies primly flat against my chest on this late fall day as I type these words.

I’m in southern California for my sister’s memorial weekend, an otherwise somber affair leavened both by the prospect of gathering in solidarity with a good part of my nuclear clan and its various affiliates, and by the region living up to its reputation as it unfurls yet another 78-degree day of balmy sunshine right on the cusp of winter.

If the word “exuberant” hadn’t been coined when it was (early 1500s, from the ancient Latin describing an overflowing milk supply from a cow or goat), someone would surely have had to come up with a version of it to describe Whitman’s poetry during his profuse creative period in the latter half of the 19th century.

It’s hard to imagine Whitman not standing in sympathy, yet standing, als...

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Shaking the Dust From Your Shoes, Your Life: Dorianne Laux’s “Antilamentation”

A rarity here, I know, but I’m none too sure I can say much more about this poem that isn’t stark raving obvious and powerful already in its scorching, emphatic admonition to just get the hell out of the way of the life you have lived and come to rest in it. (But that doesn’t mean I won’t try…)


Actually, Dorianne Laux (pronounced “Low”) starts with a “Pow!” in her first two-word declarative sentence that runs us pretty much head-first into the poem’s meaning, message and takeaway: “Regret nothing.”

She doesn’t plunk an exclamation point on the end of it because she doesn’t have to. The line’s brevity and conviction speak for themselves, as both first and last words on a timeless human conundrum.

Any given particularities of regret pale in comparison to just how universally it curls its knobby gnarled fingers around that hollow tree at the base of our gut.

But that’s just the beginning of this compact poem that trains Laux’s wary eye on the human capacity for peopl...

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Poetry’s Everyday Voice: Billy Collins’s “Picnic, Lightning”

The relatively raging success that Billy Collins has enjoyed as a poet has not come without detractors who decry his free-flowing use of straightforward language and thematic material. This approach makes his poems generally easy to comprehend and, not unimportantly for him and his publishers, huge sellers—at least in comparison to most poetry that has always been the poor stepchild of the literary world.

The now 83-year-old Collins has published 18 volumes of poetry since his 1977 debut volume. The first half-dozen or so went the usual small or university press route that sold a few hundred, maybe up to a (blockbuster!) few thousand volumes and netted him six cents in his bank account. (O.K., it may have been $600, but you get the point…)

And then, a kind of literary/commercial magic happened...

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“Mommy!” A Poetic Homage to the Most Important Person in the Emergency Room


               By Andrew Hidas

The tiniest shortfall of a tiny hand,
merrily reaching for safety poolside—
and missing.

Fateful collision of lip and cement,
the gash gushing precious blood
staining red the waterwings designed
to forestall catastrophe.

Flurry of activity, lifeguards rushing,
the ice they bring serving as balm
for body and soul, halfway to the ER
his babble already resuming the
incessant joyful grrrrr of
trucks and dinosaurs.

Five hours later, exhausted and
asleep on his mother’s chest,
darkness abiding, the team finally assembles,
doctor, nurses, interns, respiratory therapist,
eight persons forming a semi-circle
of solemn duty.

The shake and tug to coax him awake,
grasped by multiple hands descending,
his sudden panic beyond all soothing,
needle in the right leg, needle in the left,
“MOMMY!” comes the deep desperate
wail to she who is dear beyond words.

Now the open-eyed stupor of anesthesia,
beeping monit...

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