So many fine memories and testimonials to the spirit of former President Jimmy Carter this past week. The entire nearly three-hour service and many individual clips can be viewed on You Tube from a number of sources. For my money, a touching eulogy from his good friend and foe, former President Gerald Ford, whom Carter vanquished in the 1976 election, may have topped the list.
Ford, of course, is now dead 19 years, but in a pact made between him and Carter long before, they agreed to write eulogies for each other’s funerals, with the survivor delivering the other man’s himself, and the first-deceased arranging for a family member (in this case, Ford’s son Steve) to do the honors of reading it into the record when the survivor finally met his end.
Two archrivals in a hard-fought contest for the most powerful position in the world, out of which came a mutually respectful, lifelong friendship, tinged with pla...
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