Eighth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

Once a year during the holiday season, we turn more into a photo rather than word blog, with the objective being nothing more than the pure pleasure of beholding striking images that tell a story, tickle our funnybone, raise a goosebump or a question, shake our grasp or deepen our take on reality, or otherwise address our endless curiosity about the world beyond our own skin.

So, without further ado or yapping from here, let us proceed to the pictures!


Peaches and Dan by Larry Rose. In case you were wondering, “Peaches” is the one on the left…


Surf’s Up! by Magdalena Roeseler. Wave, Camera, Action!


Praying Mantis by Rosie Kerr. Seems it’s trying to sell us something, but what it might be?


Cave Opening by Kiwi Thompson. It may require seemingly endless trudging, but look what awaits!


Sprouted! by Manuel Schinner. The space between the big and second toe is called a “sandal gap,” but it can be used for other purposes…


Catfeed Boulevard by Brett Davies. Joy and generosity on the streets of Manila…


Hanging the Moon by Valery Sysoev. Life always goes better with someone to take this job…


Lunar Moth by Johan J. Ingles-Le Nobel. Seems to have taken its father’s advice to “Grow a pair!”


Rapeseed and Tree by skoeber. And all of a sudden, it was spring…


Web of Life and Death by Thomas Bishop. No, “perfect symmetry” is not hyperbole here…


Study in Red by Jay Sk. Just because…


Sea Otter & Pup by Ingrid Taylar. Feeding lessons in a portrait of utter dependency on Mama…


Covid Saint by Torsten Reimer. Mask text on a bridge in Bavaria: “We stick together. We keep distance.” Indeed we do, as we proceed on toward 2021, hoping for hope, charity and justice to guide us all.


Jean-Paul Sartre famously proclaimed that “Hell is other people,” but if we have learned anything from this star-crossed year, it is how very wrong he was. 


If you’re up for more photo browsing during this holiday season hiatus, the previous seven of these annual collections can be found here.

Check out this blog’s public page on Facebook for 1-minute snippets of wisdom and other musings from the world’s great thinkers and artists, accompanied by lovely photography.

Deep appreciation to the photographers! Unless otherwise stated, some rights reserved under Creative Commons licensing.

Elizabeth Haslam, whose photos (except for the books) grace the rotating banner at top of page.

Library books on rotating banner and Peaches and Dan photo by Larry Rose, all rights reserved, contact: larry@rosefoto.com

Magdalena Roeseler,  Switzerland  https://www.flickr.com/photos/magdalenaroeseler/

Rosie Kerr  https://unsplash.com/@rosiekerr

Kiwi Thompson  https://unsplash.com/@kiwithompson

Manuel Schinner, Bavaria, Germany https://unsplash.com/@ciopress

Brett Davies, Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka  https://www.flickr.com/photos/photosightfaces/

Valery Sysoev, Spain  https://unsplash.com/@valerysysoev

Johan J. Ingles-Le Nobel, Holmbury St. Mary, UK  http://www.flickr.com/photos/jingleslenobel/

Skoeber  https://www.flickr.com/people/asphericlens/

Thomas Bishop  https://unsplash.com/@tbishop2

Jay Sk  https://www.flickr.com/photos/jaysk/

Ingrid Taylar, San Francisco, California  https://www.flickr.com/photos/taylar/

Torsten Reimer, London, UK  https://www.flickr.com/photos/torstenreimer/

5 comments to Eighth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

  • Jim Kellough  says:

    Great set of . . . everything.

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      Thanks much, Jim, glad you enjoyed. Happy New Year!

  • Jay Helman  says:

    My fully grown and soon-to-be-married daughter was with us for a week over Christmas. As a baby I marveled at the holding her tiny feet in my hands and often wondered if life could ever be more precious than those times. She departed this morning to be with her fiancé and his family before the two of them return to Michigan next week. As I watched her drive away I thought back on those baby feet. I also felt how precious life is with this lovely adult daughter in my life. Then I came in the house and opened this blog, saw the photo of the adult hands holding the baby’s feet and took a very deep breath. All of this only a few weeks following my 70th birthday! Thank you my friend.

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      If I recall my Jung correctly, I believe he called events such as that “synchronicity,” Jay! Lovely how any given song, foto, poem, whatever, meets up with something we ourselves had been dwelling on. Blind coincidence? Dance of the gods? Does it even matter? (I don’t think so!) Cheers to the New Year, ol’ Bud!

  • Brett Davies  says:

    A refreshing view of the world. Well done on your selections and approach.

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