Nutrition for the Eyes: A Holiday Photo Gallery

In this “Special Holiday Edition!” of the Traversing blog, I’m going to severely crimp on the words. Instead, I’ll let us all scroll and feast on just a sampling of the vision and verve exemplified by the photographers who have helped fill out the picture, as it were, of the world we have been exploring, questioning, and elaborating upon over the last year.

I offer this specifically as deep and lasting “nutrition” rather than the popular phrase “eye candy,” because photography such as this is calorically dense and nutritious fare that feeds us in untold ways. It is life-enhancing, with the power to stay with us and suggest new ways of pausing, seeing and absorbing the world in front of us.

So let’s get right down to it.


By Mahesh Telkar

“Lovely” and “beautiful” seem just hopelessly inadequate here…


By Bahman Farzad

How delicate yet powerful those wings.


By Pétur Gauti Valgeirsson

You could not make this stuff up…


By Pam Link

Eyes to die for, and whiskers to gently and playfully tug.


By Linda Tanner

Wanting to walk up that hill. Today, if possible…


By Liz Haslam

Leaping Goddess of the Great Salt Lake!


By Doug Wheller

A perfect infinity of pencils.


By Johan J. Ingles-Le Nobel

The profound gift of the close-up!


By Jason Bache

Want to put that guy in my pocket, to pull out at opportune moments…


By Larry Rose

Ultimately, there’s such Mystery in color, isn’t there?


That’s all! Hope you enjoyed the looking. Links to photographer’s photostreams, where there is much more to feast on, below.

Meanwhile, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the rest. See you on the other side!

Rotating banner photos at top of page courtesy of Elizabeth Haslam, some rights reserved under Creative Commons licensing, see more at:

All other photos courtesy of photographers as noted, some rights reserved per Creative Commons licensing; Flickr photostream links as follows:

Mahesh Telkar, Anantapur, India:

Bahman Farzad, Birmingham, AL:

Pétur Gauti Valgeirsson, Reykjavík, Iceland:

Pamela Link:

Linda Tanner, Los Osos & Creston, CA,

Liz Haslam, Central Coast of California:

Doug Wheller, London, UK:

Johan J. Ingles-Le Nobel, Holmbury St. Mary, UK: Also see his extreme macro-photography site at

Jason Bache, Albuquerque, NM:


3 comments to Nutrition for the Eyes: A Holiday Photo Gallery

  • mary graves  says:

    Andrew, what wonderful Christmas morning gift for the eyes! Thx and MerryChristmas to you too. My favorite is the bird with the saying ” you can’t make this stuff up!

  • Loren Webster  says:

    Great shots. Merry Christmas!

  • Linda Sorensen  says:

    a wonderful and nutritious feast for the eyes – thanks!

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