Second Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

It’s such a sweet time of year, sugared stuff everywhere in front of us. So in the spirit of the season, today I offer you yet another heap of delectables, but these of the eye candy variety that contain abundant nutrients but not one more calorie to add to your seasonal total. How’s that for a generous, health-wise, and environmentally conscious holiday gift?

You’re welcome!

All thanks and praise to the marvelous photographers whose own generosity and creative flair have added such rich visual context to the words on this page over the past two years. I hope these single shots from 10 photographers from around the world (11, counting the rotating shots above) inspire you to visit even more of their work, available via the links listed on the bottom of this page. So without further ado:

Not quite sure which of these photographed objects is the more spectacular…

Metate Arch in the Escalante Wilderness by John Fowler


This may be the most aural visual image I have ever encountered—no need for audio to have you hear the whole scene!

Roar of Wings by Elizabeth Haslam


Which one do you think is her better side?

Stairs of the Musee des Beaux Arts by MorBCN

Stairs of the Musee des Beaux Arts by MorBCN


So she consented to take your call this time? Lucky you…

Taking Your Call by Magdalena Roeseler


Mischief makers—it’s in their genes!

Raccoon Trio by Ingrid Taylar


Such treasures  to behold in this world, by these eyes, with this heart and mind…

Tree, Lady, Sky by Brett Davies


So they say it’s all in the eyes? Not this time, not in these eyes…

Flamingo by Pamela Link


Rodin had nothing on the creator of these masterpieces…

Death Valley Dunes by Daniel Peckham


And to take us into 2015 in the proper mood, two images of human joy, unfettered…

Wedding Party by Adam Lerner


Joy is where you find it, and you can find it, always, if you look…  Happy New Year!

Laughing Girls by Trey Ratcliff


 For periodic and brief posts of inspiring words from the world’s great thinkers and artists, accompanied by the usual lovely photography as exemplified here, see my public Facebook page  at:

Twitter: @AndrewHidas


Deep appreciation again to the photographers:

Rotating banner photos at top of page and roar of wings photo courtesy of Elizabeth Haslam, some rights reserved under Creative Commons licensing, see more at:

All other photos on page generously provided by respective photographers under Creative Commons licensing, some rights reserved. See each of their individual photostreams at the following links:

John Fowler:


Magdalena Roeseler:

Ingrid Taylar:

Brett Davies:

Pamela Link:

Daniel Peckham:

Adam Lerner:

Trey Ratcliff:

4 comments to Second Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

  • mary  says:

    Hi Andrew:
    Spectacular. Thanks so much. Happy new year to you too!

  • Kevin  says:

    Fabulous images – thanks for taking the time Drew – and for posting the links…
    Happy New Year to one and all!

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      Thanks, Kevin & Mary, and same back to you! Quite the pleasure this has been two years running; I like to think it gives me a little taste of what museum curators get to enjoy picking through various wondrous options as a show comes together!

  • Ingrid T  says:

    Andrew, thanks so much for including my image among these lovely selections. Sending out a very Happy New Year wish to you and yours!

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