So we make our plans, God and the fates rather quickly having their laugh at our folly while merrily shuffling the deck of our future. Fifty-two possibilities from the get-go, eventually multiplied a million-fold by the cards still to be lain down in front of us, where they are joined by others in new configurations, or discarded by us, our volition exercised, in favor of yet more possibility.
But doesn’t every boy want to be a fireman when he grows up?
There are the genes, of course. Parents 5’1″ & 5’5”; you will not be playing center for the Lakers, no matter the compelling golden glow of those uniforms and your most fervent prayers.
The randomness of birth and its attendant geography, the weight of the land and the history of its people branding themselves upon you.
The Russians, the Spaniards, the Saudis, the Fijians and Turks.
The Swiss, the Italians, the Mexicans and Aussies.
National stereot...
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