Trump religious hypocrisy tagged posts

A Gauzy Gaza Descent Into Idolatry and Depravity

Sometime words fail, and only your stomach can fully inform you about the revulsion you’re feeling when confronted with imagery and words that are contrary to the most basic human decency and every good intention humankind has nurtured over the eons. Not to mention the wisdom of all the world’s religions warning forevermore about the sin of making idols of either fallible human beings or money.

Such was the case yet again for me earlier today when coming across the latest media offering that President Trump himself shared on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday. I will try not to say too much here as the imagery speaks so powerfully and revoltingly on its own.

The barely half-minute, AI-generated video opens with imagery from war-torn Gaza streets, but quickly morphs into a fantasy of children romping on beaches, towering golden statues of Trump gazing down at a city center, buildings emblazoned with “Trum...

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