Trump-Vance attack on Zelensky tagged posts

A Brief Meditation on 2-28-25

History tells us over and over that freedom is never free, that it must be fought for, maintained and renewed ever and again, in all the circumstances that a particular epoch requires. Lulled half to to sleep by two oceans, the abundance of our lands, the enduring vision of our Founders, and the sacrifices of our forebears, we came to think of our country as impervious to ruin, a citadel of freedom and prosperity that would always fend off invaders from without and nefarious forces from within.

That no matter our external challenges or inner turmoil, we would, in the end, aright ourselves with the strength of our institutions and the can-do goodness of our people.

After yesterday’s Oval Office disgrace with an American president and vice-president taking the side of our arch-enemy and its evil dictator against a country and its people who have endured invasion, rape, torture, the abduction of its children ...

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