Ninth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

Nine revolutions around the sun for “Traversing” this week, which lands us on the doorstep of our Ninth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery. Today, we will wander as we please, linger where we want, and emerge all the better in the spiritual and aesthetic nourishment that is so fundamental to our very survival as self-reflective creatures with an eye always scanning ahead toward more joyful horizons.

May these shots from stellar photographers around the world be worth more than any 1,000 words I could pull together as we inch ahead, ready or not—because time just does not care—toward 2022.

With the good news being: still here!


Poof! Good-bye, 2021…by Doug Wheller


She’s a lady—and an imposing one, at least from this angle…by dr.larsbergmann


Apparently not his first rodeo…by Klim Musalimov


Just another crazed cumulus…by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Into the mystic in Myanmar…by Magdalena Roeseler


Classic co-dependency…by James Wheeler


As if from another dimension in time and space, and yet…


Return commute…by Jonathan Francis


Exhaustion on the Covid ward, Moscow…by Vladimir Fedotov


Better together…by Loren Webster


What’s been missing from the world all these years: dancing tomato stems…by Tom Maglieri



Check out this blog’s public page on Facebook for 1-minute snippets of wisdom and other musings from the world’s great thinkers and artists, accompanied by lovely photography.

Deep appreciation to the photographers! Unless otherwise stated, some rights reserved under Creative Commons licensing.

Elizabeth Haslam, whose photos (except for the books) grace the rotating banner at top of page.

Library books photo by Larry Rose, Redlands, California, all rights reserved, contact:

Dandelion by Doug Wheller, England

Ladybug by dr.larsbergmann,

Boy entering church by Klim Musalimov, Russia

Rainbow and rain shaft by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Mystic fog by Magdalena Roeseler, Switzerland

Cambodian tree temple by James Wheeler, Vancouver, BC

Ancient villager by Anthony Tuil

Skydiver by Jonathan Francis, Langar, UK

Moscow nurse by Vladimir Fedotov, Yaroslavl, Russia

Flying dunlin flock by Loren Webster, Tacoma, Washington

Tomato dancer by Tom Maglieri, Vancouver, BC

6 comments to Ninth Annual Holiday Photo Gallery

  • Robert Spencer  says:

    The pics are fantastic. I especially liked the classic co-dependency. Where was that photo taken?

  • Liane Abrams  says:

    I love the one in Myanmar and the boy approaching the church. Thanks for sharing, I read your columns and love the photos. Happy new year!

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      Great to hear from you, Liane; thanks for checking in!

  • Robert Spencer  says:

    I kinda feel dumb that I just didn’t click on the link in biblio. Thanks anyway. One learns something new every day!

    • Andrew Hidas  says:

      Sometimes I think I should place the photo credits below the You Tube song so the photographers get more play, but then I worry people wouldn’t keep scrolling to the music. These are the little knots of blogdom that occasionally intrude upon a blogger’s dream life…

      In any case, no worries, my man—being a blog commenter means never having to say you’re sorry! Happy New Year to you & yours.

Comments box back in operation, please do have your say!