All right, so that is a little joke in the headline, yes? Need I explain it? The ancient Chinese text emphasizing peace, stillness, patience, emptying the Self, the unity of opposites, being rather than doing, or at least being completely there in the doing? Squeezing that into one’s week?
Funny, maybe a little bit? Tiny smile?
I laugh in order not to cry. Or rage.
Dear Tao, help me in my laughter.
It is the tail end of a week that has seen renewedly breathtaking revelations of an ex-president’s overt and relentless attempt at a coup, followed by rapid-fire Supreme Court decisions that on successive days 1) declared open season on gun violence victims by approving open carry across all 50 states of our union, and 2) ruled on a case that will amount to the outlawing of all abortions in probably half the United States almost immediately.
The devastating symbolism of the court’s one-two punch: force women to bring every last zygote fully to term—so they can send them off to ...
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